Now that you’ve had a few weeks to fill up on asparagus and strawberries, a few other new produce items are here to provide more variety at May markets.
Early alliums are popping up, including scapes, which you can find from Highgate Farm (West Asheville Tailgate Market, Weaverville Tailgate Market, Black Mountain Tailgate Market) and green garlic from Olivette Farm (Asheville City Market, Asheville City Market – South). Green garlic is baby garlic taken straight from the ground, without the curing process normally seen with garlic. It has a more subtle flavor than mature, cured garlic, but still adds a crisp, springtime garlic flavor to dishes!
Flying Cloud Farm (North Asheville Tailgate Market, River Arts District Farmers Market, Asheville City Market) brought a few of their first heads of broccoli to markets this past Saturday! Broccoli has two seasons — spring and fall — and will only be around for a few weeks each time, so grab it up while it’s here!