Community Events Calendar

ASAP offers a free calendar for community members to post local food and farm events. These events are user-submitted and event details should be confirmed with the host.

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Acceso a Capital y Preparación de Préstamos Para Pequeñas Empresas Agrícolas

A-B Tech, Enka Campus 1463 Sand Hill Road, Candler

En colaboración con el Carolina Small Business Development Fund (CSBDF), AB-Tech Small Business Center y ASAP, este taller explorará formas de acceder al capital, cómo prepararse para un préstamo y explica cómo el acceso al capital afecta el éxito de un pequeño negocio agrícola.

Accessing Capital & Loan Preparation for Small Farm Businesses

A-B Tech, Enka Campus 1463 Sand Hill Road, Candler

In collaboration with the Carolina Small Business Development Fund (CSBDF), AB-Tech Small Business Center, and ASAP, this workshop will explore ways to access capital, how to prepare for a loan, and explain how access to capital affects the success of a small farm business.

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