Community Events Calendar

ASAP offers a free calendar for community members to post local food and farm events. These events are user-submitted and event details should be confirmed with the host.

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Winter Vegetable Conference in Asheville, NC

Crowne Plaza Convention Center One Resort Drive, Asheville

Mark your calendars for the annual Winter Vegetable Conference and NC Tomato Growers Meeting. It will be held at the Crowne Plaza Resort in Asheville. Last year we started a new track to focus on topics of interest to small and medium size farms, including organic agriculture, high-tunnels, new crops, and direct marketing. It was ... Read more

Growing Minds Farm to School Training


Join ASAP's Growing Minds program for an introduction to Farm to School. In this virtual training you will learn about the different components of farm to school, hear how you can use our toolkits and resources to support your farm to school goals, glean insights from farm to school champions in our region, and brainstorm ... Read more

WNC Farmer Roundtable: Soil Rebuilding Strategies


Let's talk soil! We will discuss ways to rebuild damaged soils, highlighting two methods that make use of woody debris on farms. Alex Grey will present the basics of biochar creation and use, and Chris Parker will present how mushrooms can be used in a variety of ways to improve soil tilth and microbiome balance, ... Read more

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