Community Events Calendar

ASAP offers a free calendar for community members to post local food and farm events. These events are user-submitted and event details should be confirmed with the host.

To receive a digest email of new events each week, sign up for ASAP’s listserv.

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Carbon Harvest Informational Webinar


Carbon Harvest is a new, regional carbon offsets platform based in Asheville, focused on agroforestry. Our application for farmers to participate in our first phase of projects is open until June 20. This informational webinar is an opportunity for farmers and community members to ask questions about carbon offsets and learn how to participate with ... Read more

Info Session Farm Beginnings- Organic Growers School


Farm Beginnings is training the next generation of farmers in the many skills that are required to start and expand a successful farm business: passion, clear goals, production experience, financial and marketing know-how, and more. Come to our Information Session to learn about program curriculum, components, instructors, scholarships and course specifics. Farm Beginnings® will help ... Read more

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