Etowah Lions Club Farmers Market Holiday Market
Join us for our indoor holiday market on Saturday, Nov. 12.
ASAP offers a free calendar for community members to post local food and farm events. These events are user-submitted and event details should be confirmed with the host.
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Join us for our indoor holiday market on Saturday, Nov. 12.
Looking to reach new markets? Would you like to receive a premium price for your products? Would you like to share in the costs of production? Would you like to see more of your fresh, local produce or meats being enjoyed in the region where it is grown? The NC Farmers of the Foothills, initiated ... Read more
The annual Grower/Buyer Social event on November 15th from 2-6 p.m. is a celebration of our diverse community of makers and producers. After a break during the pandemic, we welcome you back to an in-person gathering in Mills River, NC. Join us for an afternoon of networking with fellow growers, wholesale buyers and other professionals ... Read more
Holiday Market featuring favorite community craft vendors, baked goods, local products and late fall produce.
Holiday Market featuring community craft vendors, late fall produce and local products.
Effective communication is essential and can be transformative for your farm operation. In this two-day long interactive workshop, Improving Farm Communication, participants will address real-life situations to learn about communication styles, ways to have better conversations, and have a chance to practice new skills. In this workshop, we will cover the basics of Nonviolent Communication ... Read more
Local craft items will be for sale during the holiday market, plus, james and jellies, prepared foods, baked goods, natural body-care products, and late fall crops.
Curious about kudzu? Join Kudzu Culture and Cooperate WNC on December 1, from 3 – 7pm, at The Mountain Horticultural Crops Research and Extension Center in Mills River, North Carolina, for the inaugural Kudzu Culture Fair. Participants are invited to attend a Root Harvest Training from 3:30 – 5pm in the auditorium, followed by a Kudzu Craft and Products Fair from 5 – 7pm, featuring regional art, craft, and ... Read more
Holiday Market featuring favorite community craft vendors, baked goods, local products and late fall produce.
En colaboración con el Carolina Small Business Development Fund (CSBDF), AB-Tech Small Business Center y ASAP, este taller explorará formas de acceder al capital, cómo prepararse para un préstamo y explica cómo el acceso al capital afecta el éxito de un pequeño negocio agrícola.