Conference Workshops

Find workshop descriptions and speakers for the 2025 Business of Farming Conference below, organized by track, or use the links in the workshop schedule to plan your day.

Business Planning  |  Financial Planning  |  Risk Management Marketing  |  Market Opportunities | Land Summit

Workshop Schedule

Block 1: 9:15-10:45Block 2: 11:00-12:30Block 3: 2:30-4:00
Resources for New and Beginning FarmersBuilding Blocks: How to Start Your Farm BusinessSocial Media Marketing and Branding 
Connecting with Customers’ ValuesDetermining Your Market MixOptimizing Your Online Store
Planning for Farm ResiliencyHigh-Value Crop TargetingAlternative Market Opportunities for Healing Your Land
Understanding Agricultural Land UsePost-Storm Legal ConsiderationsFarm Succession, Leasing, and Transfer
Alternate Capital: Grants and Fundraising for Farmers You Can’t Do It All: Hiring and Keeping a Productive TeamMeats: Pricing for Profitability

Business Planning

Building Blocks: How to Start Your Farm Business

Using Wild East Farm as a case study, farmer Lyric East will guide new farmers in launching a strong business. The session will cover the basics of business planning, accounting, hiring, marketing, selling products, and more. Leave with a worksheet and resource guide to get started on your farm journey. Presented by Lyric East, Wild East Farm

View slideshow here.

Resources for New and Beginning Farmers

Give your business a firm foundation by tapping into the resources available to small farms in the Southern Appalachian region. Get an overview of agricultural support agency programs and hear farmer perspectives on what has been the most useful in starting and growing their own farms. Presented by Rafael Bravo, San Felipe Farm; Chuck Lewis, Sheraton Park Farms; and Duane Gibson and Lindsey Giglio, Two Stones Farm & Mill

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You Can’t Do It All: Hiring and Keeping a Productive Team (NEW)

Tumbling Shoals farmers will lead attendees through the why, how, and where of finding the right employees and take a dive deep into workplace designs that increase retention and functionality. This workshop will also look at legal and tax requirements for hiring employees. Presented by Shiloh Avery and Jason Roehrig, Tumbling Shoals Farm

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Financial Planning

High-Value Crop Targeting (NEW)

This agribusiness modeling workshop will examine the intersection between crop profitability and land usage to assist growers in exploring business models that can be successful on reduced or limited acreage. Find your niche, understand your numbers, and scale appropriately. Presented by Michael Rayburn, NC Cooperative Extension, and Dr. Raymond Thomas, NC A&T State University

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Alternate Capital: Grants and Fundraising for Farmers

This workshop will walk you through the process of finding grants for your farm, provide tools for writing successful grant applications, and explore fundraising strategies to support your farm business. Hear from experienced farmers about what methods they have found most effective. Presented by Jess Mrugala, Center for Environmental Farming Systems; Nicole Coston, Bearwallow Valley Farms; and Tou and Chue Lee, Lee’s One Fortune Farm

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Meats: Pricing for Profitability

Meat production has its own specific considerations when it comes to pricing and rising costs. Join local meat producers in this workshop for a comprehensive look at pricing for profitability, navigating processing, and successful strategies for marketing and consumer communication. Presented by Michael RiCharde, Good Wheel Farm, and Gray Shipley, Shipley Farms Beef

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Risk Management

Join agribusiness and land attorneys for an overview of the real-life legal issues affecting farms impacted by disasters. Learn how to address challenges and mitigate risks. Presented by Andrew Branan, NC State University, and Clint Cogburn and Bill Durr, Ward and Smith, P.A.

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Planning for Farm Resiliency

Farms have been impacted by weather events with increasing frequency. As we move forward as a farming community, how can we become more climate resilient? Learn from farmers and ag resource providers who have navigated weather extremes. Identify resources and strategies for preparation and recovery. Presented by Craig Mauney and Elena Rogers, NC Cooperative Extension, and Sara Martin, Sustainabillies/Two Trees Farm

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Branding and Marketing

Connecting with Customers’ Values (NEW)

Get a taste of the local food system from the other side of the table. Learn how to better connect with customers who are already buying local and bridge the gap for those who aren’t. This workshop will share findings from ASAP Local Food Research Center’s survey of consumers to explore the priorities of food shoppers in our region, what motivates them to buy local, what challenges they face, and more. Presented by Amy Marion and Jessica Ruiz, ASAP, and Alyssa and Salvador Moreno, Moreno Family Farm

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Social Media Marketing and Business Branding

Gain practical tools for growing your social media presence and building brand recognition without getting overwhelmed. Learn how to make a simple reel, delve into your creative side, and gain insight into the value of an internet presence. This workshop is designed for farmers and market managers who already have a basic understanding of social media. Presented by Oakley Brewer, ASAP, and Jennifer Perkins, Looking Glass Creamery

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Market Opportunities

Alternative Market Opportunities for Healing Land (NEW)

Explore market opportunities that can earn additional income or broaden your audience, while improving the health of your soil and land. This session will look at climate-smart agriculture, natural resource grants, wildlife tourism, low-impact campgrounds, and more, with insights from farmers who have utilized strategies for both profit and conservation. Presented by Rachel Kinard, Working Landscapes; Atley Elliott, Caitlyn Farms; Laura Ruby, The Ruby Ranch; and Sara Martin, Sustainabillies/Two Trees Farm

View slideshow here.

Determining Your Market Mix

Having diversified outlets—from farmers markets to restaurant sales to agritourism—can help a farm business weather changing market dynamics. But keeping up with varied schedules, product demands, volumes, and personalities is a challenge. This workshop will help you create efficiencies and decide which outlets are right for your farm. Presented by Wendy Brugh, Dry Ridge Farm, and Jon Klimstra, TK Farm

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Optimizing Your Online Store

Farm presenters will share their experiences in utilizing a variety of online sales platforms to grow and diversify their farm businesses. Learn about strategies for successfully tapping into this market outlet. Presented by Nathan Vannette, Growing Green Family Farms, and Alyson Wade, The Farm Connection

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Land Summit

Understanding Agricultural Land Use

Andrew Branan, an agricultural and environmental law specialist, will lead this session on land use and access regulations and issues, including sales and property tax, bona fide farm zoning and building permits, fencing and trespass, neighbor complaints, access easements, leased land, restrictive covenants, and more. Presented by Andrew Branan, NC State University

Farm Succession, Leasing, and Transfer (NEW)

Explore the benefits and challenges of a variety of land transition options and business planning strategies, including succession planning, leasing, purchasing, post-disaster buyout programs, and conservation easement options. Presented by Andrew Branan, NC State University, and Jess Laggis, Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy

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