Farmers Markets

Shop local!

There are nearly 100 farmers markets (also called tailgate markets) across the Appalachian Grown region.

ASAP operates Asheville City Market, which takes place downtown every Saturday morning. Additionally, ASAP promotes and supports all markets in the region, but these markets are under their own management. You can find market contact information in the online Local Food Guide.

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SNAP at Farmers Markets

Many farmers markets throughout the region accept SNAP/EBT. Some also offer SNAP incentive programs like Double SNAP or Double Up Food Bucks. Find out more about how SNAP at farmers markets works.

Double SNAP for Fruits and Vegetables is a SNAP incentive program at participating farmers markets in Western North Carolina. As a SNAP customer, when you swipe your EBT card for any amount, you will receive that amount in SNAP tokens as well as up to $20 in additional Farm Fresh Bucks, which may be used to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables at market. In 2024 ASAP, Blue Ridge Women in Agriculture, and MountainWise formed the WNC Double SNAP Network to combine and expand programs.

Farm Fresh Produce Prescription

With ASAP’s Farm Fresh Produce Prescription, participating healthcare practitioners, community organizations, or insurance providers can prescribe patients more fresh fruits and vegetables to help treat or prevent diet-related illness. Patients redeem their prescription, from $20-60 each week, for Farm Fresh Bucks, which can be spent on fruits and vegetables at local farmers markets. Find out more about program eligibility.

Recipes & Meal Ideas

Get more cooking inspiration in our weekly Fresh at the Farmers Markets column. Cooking with kids? Check out kid-friendly recipes on our Growing Minds Farm to School website.

Taking the Bus to Buncombe Co. Markets

Most farmers markets in Buncombe County are accessible by the Asheville Rides Transit bus system, or by connecting to the Buncombe County Trailblazer.

Resources for Farmers Market Managers

ASAP provides resources, networking opportunities, and promotional support for existing and new farmers markets across the Appalachian Grown region. Find out more.

What’s Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week?

This weekly roundup features Buncombe County markets, but many products mentioned can be found at markets throughout the region. Subscribe to ASAP’s Weekly Farmers Market Report newsletter to get the report in your inbox each week. View past weeks in the Fresh at Farmers Markets archive. ASAP’s produce seasonality chart provides a yearlong view.

  • Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week
  • As we inch closer to March, to spring, and to the return of abundant produce we so eagerly await, evening meals may still be challenging with the limited daylight, energy, and options. Soon, we will see the return and increased plethora of cherished spring crops like beets, carrots, peas, asparagus, strawberries and a huge variety…

    Read the full report »

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