Soon, as September deepens, apples will come to completely dominate as the fruit of the season. But before we get there, a diverse collection of fruits can captivate our culinary attentions now. Some have been around at area farmers tailgate markets for a little while now but bear further notice, while others are just arriving.
Already on the scene: Cantaloupe and watermelons, including Ambrosia Cantaloupe from Sleight Family Farms (North Asheville Tailgate Market, Asheville City Market, West Asheville Tailgate Market) and multiple varieties of watermelons from Ten Mile Farm (River Arts District Farmers Market, Asheville City Market). Peaches are still around from McConnell Farms (North Asheville Tailgate Market, Asheville City Market, West Asheville Tailgate Market) including a new bright yellow and delicious variety of peach. And don’t forget plums from Lee’s One Fortune Farm (East Asheville Tailgate Market, Asheville City Market, West Asheville Tailgate Market).
In the middle: There have been early season apples available since June, now there are some additional varieties (and many more to come over the next many weeks) including no-spray apples from Tucker’s Garden and B&L Organic (both at North Asheville Tailgate Market, West Asheville Tailgate Market).
Debuting: Pawpaws are in season now from Asheville Fungi (Asheville City Market, West Asheville Tailgate Market). Muscadine grapes can be found from Tucker’s Garden and Lee’s One Fortune Farm. And McConnell Farms have Jupiter grapes. Figs are available now from multiple farmers across the region.
Bonus category: Though not sweet like the rest of this list, spicy peppers are still a fruit. Lee’s One Fortune Farm has Thai chiles and Ghost peppers, or stop by Jah Works Farm at Asheville City Market to try some of their hot sauces made with their own peppers.
Area farmers tailgate markets take place throughout the region. As always, you can find information about farms, tailgate markets, and farm stands, including locations and hours, by visiting ASAP’s online Local Food Guide.
Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week