Spring is just around the corner, and outdoor markets will be opening back up soon. (My, this “winter” has flown by!) Check back in throughout March and April as we let you know which markets will be opening up and where they’ll be held. As for this week, it’s still winter, and indoor markets are still in full swing!
What’s there to get excited about at these late-winter indoor markets? Here are just a few of ASAP’s staff suggestions:
Apples. Apple season runs from late summer through the fall, but apples store very well and therefore can be available throughout the year. Creasman Farms at Asheville City Market sells their apples in the winter and usually takes a hiatus in early spring, but not this year! They’ll be there consistently through March and April. Find favored varieties, from Pink Lady to Arkansas Black.
Greens and herbs. Produce farmers have a lot of bagged greens, such as mustard, collards, spinach, arugula, spring mix, and more. Many vendors also have fresh herbs, including lemongrass, ginger, turmeric, thyme, chervil, oregano, and rosemary.
Celery. Locally grown celery is historically hard to come by, so it’s exciting that this flavorful, aromatic veggie has been at market for so many consecutive weeks, and from multiple farmers! Stop by Jake’s Farm and New Moon Herbs, both of which still have celery, at Asheville City Market.
Honey. Shady Brook Farm started bringing sourwood honey to Asheville City Market this past week.
Ciola Giardiniera pickles. A limited-edition pickle from Green River Picklers made with local cauliflower, carrot, onion, and radish.
Plant starts. Sweet Betsy Farm (a new vendor at Asheville City Market) has some plant starts for those eager to put early, cool-weather crops in the ground at home.
Farmer spotlight. Ask Spinning Spider Creamery about their new “kid cam,” which helps them monitor the birth of this year’s goat kids in the barn. With 80 mama goats due this spring, modern technology is helping them ensure they don’t miss a single birth.
This week, the Asheville Citizen-Times published an article about Asheville City Market’s impending move to Market Street in April. Check it out here!
Area farmers tailgate markets take place throughout the region. As always, you can find information about farms, tailgate markets, and farm stands, including locations and hours, by visiting ASAP’s online Local Food Guide at appalachiangrown.org.