Starting a Farm During COVID-19

When even established farms are struggling during COVID-19, what’s it like to start a new farm? When we spoke with Stephanie Vinat of The AppaLatin Farmstead in February, she was full of enthusiasm for the year ahead. “We’re in Marshall, North Carolina and we’re new farmers so this will be our first season at market. … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

Early summer brassicas are coming in at farmers tailgate markets across Buncombe County, including cabbage, broccoli, and kohlrabi. Cabbage and kohlrabi will be available throughout the summer and early fall, but broccoli will disappear during the hotter months, so make sure you get some now!

Chefs and Farmers Help People Affected by COVID-19

Chefs and farmers have always worked together to feed the community. These partnerships are more important than ever during COVID-19, especially for community members who have lost their jobs or are facing a greater risk of food insecurity. Several local chefs, farmers, and organizations are banding together to provide people with high-quality, farm-fresh meals. Before … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

Mother’s Day is Sunday and fresh cut, local flowers are bringing a riot of color to farmers tailgate markets right now—peonies, ranunculus, sweet William, bachelor’s buttons, and even poppies. Pick up a bouquet for the mothers you’re social distancing with or buy some for yourself and send a picture to far away moms. We think … Read more

Farmers Market Summit Kicks Off the Season

Spring is just around the corner, and along with longer days and warmer temperatures, the season brings the promise of farmers markets. But these markets don’t suddenly appear like daffodils after a warm spell. It takes months of planning to host a thriving farmers market. Local market managers have some help getting ready for the … Read more

Well Seasoned Table Embraces the Business of Farming

When Sarah Wickers started Well Seasoned Table in 2014, she did it all. She grew produce, foraged wild greens, blended spices, and marketed her seasonings everywhere from farmers markets to retail locations. She even designed the website and packaging herself. She saw herself as the maestro of Well Seasoned Table because she had her hands … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

February is often the height of cold and flu season. While the common cold is not usually cause for medical treatment, it can certainly knock you out for a few days (or longer), and that first throat scratch or sneeze might have you reaching for your standby home remedies—if not for a cure, at least … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

apple heart valentine

If you’re the type to serve your sweetheart a locally sourced Valentine’s Day meal, take note that you’ll need to stop at a farmers tailgate market tomorrow or Wednesday to collect ingredients in time for Feb. 14. Pretty much any meal you shop for and prepare yourself hits the mark for a romantic gesture, but … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

bok choy

An abundance of leafy greens cover farmers tailgate markets these days, and even if you regularly fill your bag with kale and collards, there are more options than ever for trying new varieties. Here’s a rundown of what you might discover at markets this winter.

The Legacy and Future of Deal Family Farm

Joe Deal and his family are gathered in front of a pile of straw bales at Deal Family Farm in Franklin, North Carolina. Joe’s wife, Devon, and their five kids jostle into a semi-circle for a group photo. Anyone with a big family will recognize the joy of getting everyone together for a family picture. … Read more

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