The Liar’s Table: Connecting with Community

Amos and Kaci Nidiffer at The Liar's Table; photo by NC Cooperative Extension

“The farm is just something that we started doing as a hobby, something we wanted to do for ourselves—and it kind of grew into this bigger, wider thing we could share with the community,” says farmer Kaci Nidiffer, who co-owns The Liar’s Table in Elk Park, NC, with her husband, Amos. Back in 2010, when … Read more

Tierra Fértil Coop: Creating Space

Tierra Fertil Cool, photo by Camilla Calnan Photography

“Many Hispanics have a painful relationship with agriculture,” acknowledges Delia Jovel Dubón, co-founder of Tierra Fértil Coop in Henderson County. “A lot of effort has been put into production and profits, with less interest in the protection and care of humans and the environment. We have chosen to farm, but for many Hispanic people, it’s … Read more

Wild East Farm: A Rough Draft That’s Working

Lyric and Noah East of Wild East Farm. Photo by Brandon Garlow.

For farmers Lyric and Noah, the name Wild East came before the farm. “We were on a hike near Mount Mitchell, this really rocky, ragged ridgetop, and there were wildflowers, animals everywhere,” describes Noah. “It was a moment of pure, Appalachian wildness, and we had this revelation: Why does the west get all the credit … Read more

Black Trumpet Farm: Spreading the Word

Gwen and Jay Englebach, Black Trumpet Farm

Gwen Englebach will tell you that she and her farming partner and husband, Jay, are both shy. But talking to customers each week at farmers markets is a vital piece of their business, Black Trumpet Farm, which produces culinary and medicinal mushrooms in Leicester, North Carolina. “Connecting with community is part of our mission, the … Read more

Yellow Mountain Garden: Teach the World to Grow

Malcolm Banks, Yellow Mountain Garden

“We need to influence as many people in the world to grow food and start backyard and community gardens,” says farmer Malcolm Banks, who operates Yellow Mountain Garden in Franklin, NC, with his wife, Hannah, and kids Noemi, Malik, and Lucy. “A lot of people don’t understand food right now, but they understand inflation. Our … Read more

Crow Fly Farms: ‘Obsessive Observation’

Jake Puckett, Crow Fly Farms

Farmer Jake Puckett and his wife, Luna, spent last Christmas up all night caring for a sick calf inside their house. Meanwhile, the temperature plunged, waterlines went down, the tractor broke, and a new batch of ewes all started lambing at once. “There’s a commitment, physically and emotionally, to farming like this,” says Jake. “Death … Read more

Dillingham Family Farms: Eighth Generation

The Dillingham Family, photo by Hannah Furgiuele

“What’s happening now with Dillingham Family Farm is what I  hoped would happen—that our children would become more  involved,” says Brenda Dillingham. “I can transition out of things  and know that the farm will continue on and that the grandchildren  will be a part of that one day. That’s really important to me.”  The Dillingham … Read more

SMM Farm and Moreno Family Farm: Rediscovering the Past

The Moreno Family, photo by Camilla Calnan Photography

Shortly after signing the papers on their dream farm property in Hayesville, NC, Salvador and Alyssa Moreno took a walk with their kids, ages six and four. They found what turned out to be an old American hazelnut variety. “I said, ‘I think it’s poisonous and it will definitely kill us,’” laughs Salvador. “But we … Read more

Farside Farms: From Burley Tobacco to Farm Stand Eggs

Mike Brown of Farside Farms, photo by Naomi Johnson

“I’ve just always wanted to farm since I was a child,” says Mike Brown, owner of Farside Farms in Buncombe County, NC. “My grandfather in Virginia farmed, and I guess that’s kind of where I got bitten by the bug when I was little.”  Brown has now been farming in Western North Carolina for five … Read more

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