Guest market report by Alex Alesi, fall communications intern; go Alex!
Lower temperatures make fall crops feel right on time at area farmers tailgate markets. Root vegetables will abound this week. Keep reading to see what we mean!
winter squash
Fresh at Farmers Market This Week
Thanks to the mild winter, summer came early this year. So it’s no surprise that markets are already beginning to look a lot like they do in the fall—even though it’s officially still one month away.
One tell-tale sign? Winter squash, which began arriving in relatively large quantities this past weekend. Flying Cloud Farm (Asheville City Market, Montford Farmers Market, North Asheville Tailgate Market) offered up many different types: delicata, spaghetti and kobucha. They expect to harvest butternuts soon and say even more varieties will be available before you know it. Varieties of acorn squash have also been spotted from vendors including Aardvark Farm (Asheville City Market, Yancey County Farmers Market).
Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week
No, it’s not your imagination. Local veggies—from beets to squash—are getting bigger at area farmers tailgate markets!
Last week, Blue Meadow Farms offered up Detroit and Chioggia beets the size of large potatoes. While they look like your average beet on the outside, Chioggias are uniquely red and white striped inside. What’s more, the beauties are sweeter than other varieties. Find Blue Meadow at West Asheville Tailgate Market and Asheville City Market (downtown and South).