Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

Valentine’s Day is one of the few days a year designated to showing your love and appreciation towards your significant other, friends, family, or whoever may be special to you! Treating your loved one to a special meal made from local produce, or with an array of thoughtfully selected local artisan products, is a great … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

Mother figures come in so many forms. No matter who you’d like to honor this week (on Mother’s Day or any other day), farmers markets give you plenty of options for gifts, flowers, and special treats. Start the celebration with a simple breakfast in bed (or on a sunny porch, if that’s more her style). … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

wreaths from Green Toe Ground

This week offers several prime opportunities to shop local farmers tailgate markets for holiday gifts, party preparations—or just your weekly grocery needs. East Asheville Tailgate Market’s holiday market and fundraiser is today, from 3 to 6 pm, plus there are still several Saturday morning (Asheville City Market and The Holiday Bazaar) and midweek (West Asheville Tailgate Holiday Market, River Arts District Winter Market, Weaverville Tailgate Winter Market) markets open for convenient shopping.

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