Berry Corn Clafoutis 

berry corn clafoutis

This summertime recipe comes from Duane Gibson and Lindsey Giglio of Two Stones Farm + Mill. Duane’s great-grandfather farmed fruit in Colorado, then the family moved to blueberry patches in Northern Georgia. Some of the family vines are cultivated here! In addition to blueberries we grow seedless blackberries, black raspberries, and strawberries. We are growing … Read more

Smashed Cucumber Salad

smashed cucumber salad

Cucumbers are in season starting in late May and typically are available throughout the summer and early fall. Cucumbers are great for staying hydrated and cool. Pai huang gua—or smashed cucumber salad—is a traditional Chinese recipe for a hot day. It can be served on its own or alongside chilled rice or noodles. Smashing and … Read more

Apple Ring Pancakes

apple ring pancakes

Though apples are intwined in American cultural identity (Johnny Appleseed, “American as apple pie”), they are not native to the United States. The earliest apples were likely grown in Central Asia thousands of years ago and spread through Europe and the Americas via trade routes. Apples are an important crop in Western North Carolina, particularly … Read more

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