Catch the beet at area farmers tailgate markets this week! The root veggie has arrived with the summer and will stick around into fall and early winter.
Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week
Noticing that markets don’t look the same as they did this time last May? It’s true. Warm weather accelerated the harvest last year, while a cooler spring and recent heavy rains are delaying things a bit now. But rest assured, more produce is coming—more options and larger quantities!
Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week
It’s safe to say that winter squash lovers will fall head over heels with area tailgate markets this week. Expect farmers’ booths to overflow with varieties of all types: acorn, buttercup, butternut, delicata, hubbard, kabocha, you name it!
Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week
Guest market report by Alex Alesi, fall communications intern; go Alex!
Lower temperatures make fall crops feel right on time at area farmers tailgate markets. Root vegetables will abound this week. Keep reading to see what we mean!
Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week
Area farmers tailgate markets offer a chance to truly taste the rainbow this week.
Cauliflower can be found in three shades now; but, it may be the last week for these colorful cruciferous veggies, so snag them up! Look for traditional white from a variety of vendors. Find purple cauliflower from Paper Crane Farm (Asheville City Market, West Asheville Tailgate Market), and look for Cheddar cauliflower, which is, of course, yellow, from Cane Creek Organics (Asheville City Market and Asheville City Market South, Flat Rock Tailgate Market).
Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week
No, it’s not your imagination. Local veggies—from beets to squash—are getting bigger at area farmers tailgate markets!
Last week, Blue Meadow Farms offered up Detroit and Chioggia beets the size of large potatoes. While they look like your average beet on the outside, Chioggias are uniquely red and white striped inside. What’s more, the beauties are sweeter than other varieties. Find Blue Meadow at West Asheville Tailgate Market and Asheville City Market (downtown and South).
Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week
It’s a pearfect week to pick up pears at area farmers markets! Asian pears have been spotted at tailgates around the region. They’re crisp (hence their nickname ‘apple pear’), juicy, and slightly sweet. They’re a tad tart, too, especially near their cores. Look for additional varieties in the coming weeks, and keep your eye out for vendor Fresh Pearspective to join Asheville City Market—and likely more markets—through the end of September. Last year, they offered both Bosch and Seckel pears.