Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

Turning your home into a haunted house? Or an homage to the harvest? Head to area tailgate markets this week for all your fall decorating needs.

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

Week’s cold start got you thinking warming stews or other hearty and meaty meals? Pick your protein at area farmers market this week—and through the end of the year!

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

It’s safe to say that winter squash lovers will fall head over heels with area tailgate markets this week. Expect farmers’ booths to overflow with varieties of all types: acorn, buttercup, butternut, delicata, hubbard, kabocha, you name it!

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

Area farmers tailgate markets sure looked like fall on the first official day of the new season thanks to displays of Indian corn, pumpkins, and, of course, apples.

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

Fall’s peak color show is near: red, yellow, orange, and…green. That’s right, area farmers tailgate markets are keeping—and will keep—green around even as the leaves turn!

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

Sweet Hakurei turnips make an appearance at Asheville City Market from Ol Turtle Farm.

Guest market report by Alex Alesi, fall communications intern; go Alex!
Lower temperatures make fall crops feel right on time at area farmers tailgate markets. Root vegetables will abound this week. Keep reading to see what we mean!

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

Potatoes are sure to be plentiful at area farmers tailgate markets this week. After all, it is officially Get Local potato month! But we’re not talking about the average russet…

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Fresh at Farmers Market This Week

Thanks to the mild winter, summer came early this year. So it’s no surprise that markets are already beginning to look a lot like they do in the fall—even though it’s officially still one month away.
One tell-tale sign? Winter squash, which began arriving in relatively large quantities this past weekend. Flying Cloud Farm (Asheville City Market, Montford Farmers Market, North Asheville Tailgate Market) offered up many different types: delicata, spaghetti and kobucha. They expect to harvest butternuts soon and say even more varieties will be available before you know it. Varieties of acorn squash have also been spotted from vendors including Aardvark Farm (Asheville City Market, Yancey County Farmers Market).

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

If a product is on your shopping list, area farmers tailgate markets are almost guaranteed to have it this week! Vendors’ tables are literally overflowing with fruits and veggies of all kinds, even the more exotic.
At Asheville City Market, Dancing Doe Farm offers eggplants “from around the world” (pictured above). For a taste of Turkey, try their Turkish Orange eggplants, which look almost identical to heirloom tomatoes. Travel to Malaysia with their Malaysian Red eggplants, which are actually a beautiful shade of violet. From Thailand, they offer the veggie in surprising green.

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

Corn is finally making an appearance at area farmers tailgate markets, although a little later than normal. According to Creasman Farms (Asheville City Market, Montford Farmers Market), recent dry conditions are to blame. Despite the weather, their booth—along with those of vendors like McConnell Farms (Asheville City Market downtown and South, North Asheville Tailgate Market)—will give you an earful now!

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