Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

Sweet Hakurei turnips make an appearance at Asheville City Market from Ol Turtle Farm.

Guest market report by Alex Alesi, fall communications intern; go Alex!
Lower temperatures make fall crops feel right on time at area farmers tailgate markets. Root vegetables will abound this week. Keep reading to see what we mean!

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

Potatoes are sure to be plentiful at area farmers tailgate markets this week. After all, it is officially Get Local potato month! But we’re not talking about the average russet…

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

Expect a bean bounty at area farmers tailgate markets. For example, nearly every produce vendor at French Broad Food Co-op Wednesday Tailgate Market reports they’ll offer them this week. And let us spill the beans: many farmers are offering the veggie in bulk now, as they’re doing with tomatoes, so you can put them up for the winter when they can’t be found locally. Not sure if your farmer is offering a bulk deal? Just ask!

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

It’s a veritable pumpkin patch at area farmers tailgate markets now that October is here! Pick pie pumpkins for your favorite recipe. They’re smaller, sweeter, and less grainy than their carving counterparts, making them perfect for, well, pie!
Of course jack-o-lanterns can be “picked,” too. At Asheville City Market, visit Hugh Wright of Arbor Studios. He brings a selection of already carved pumpkins that are truly works of art. What’s more, he carves live at his booth and offers custom designs. He’ll keep his patch packed through Halloween, but his intricate designs should last until well after the spooky day. Vendors also sell Indian corn, colorful squash, and gourds for decoration.

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

This week, scoop up your summer favorites from area farmers tailgate markets before they’re gone and store them away for winter. After all, fall will officially take summer’s place in about a month. Try freezing fresh okra so you can warm up with a pot of local gumbo once the cool weather arrives. Pickle beans and peppers together for dilly beans; they’ll serve as a crisp summery reminder. Or, freeze berries and can peaches to enjoy more than apples next season. We hear McConnell Farms had three types of peaches at last weekend’s Asheville City Market!

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