Our weekly tailgate reports serve to provide a simple answer to the question “What’s fresh at farmers markets this week?” But when it comes to area holiday markets, the answer is delightfully complicated: you never know! You truly have to see for yourself.
Jackson County Farmers Market
Fresh at (Holiday) Farmers Markets This Week
The saying goes, “Happiness is handmade.” That’s precisely the point of area holiday farmers tailgate markets happening now: to provide homegrown, homemade happiness for all this season.
Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week
Whether you’re going traditional or unexpected with your Thanksgiving dishes, area farmers tailgate markets have got you covered! Here, we present some ideas for stars, sides, and sweets on both ends of the spectrum.
Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week
It’s time to turn our market report’s focus to Thanksgiving. After all, the food-filled holiday is just around the corner. But, don’t stress! Area farmers tailgate markets are there to help you make the freshest, best-tasting meal possible. Here’s a rundown of what you can shop for this week and go ahead and check off your list.
Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week
Last week, we shared several seasonal surprises available at farmers tailgate markets. This week, we’re surprised there are even more unexpected finds to be found! Look out for cardoon, sweet potatoes in all shades, and sugar snap and snow peas…
Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week
Area farmers tailgate markets are chock full of fall favorites now—from apples to peppers and winter squash to roots galore; we’re talking beets, carrots, sweet potatoes, and more. But, they also offer seasonal surprises you might not be expecting! Keep your eyes peeled for…
Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week
Romaine calm, there’s plenty of lettuce to go around at farmers tailgate markets this week! Bagged mixes and full heads of all types can be found now, including varieties with interesting names and looks: Try New Red Fire lettuce—with dark red ruffled leaves—from vendors including Gladheart Farm (Asheville City Market South, East Asheville Tailgate Market, Oakley Farmers Market). Or, opt for Freckles—an heirloom bright green lettuce with crimson red splashes—from vendors including Adelbert Farm (Oakley Farmers Market).
Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week
Visit a tailgate market this week to see the fruits of farmers’ labor—we’re talking apples, Asian pears, figs, and more!
Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week
This week, beans are hogging the spotlight at area farmers tailgate markets. After all, hills of beans can be found now—literally!
Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week
With recent unseasonable temperatures reminding us that fall is officially only one month away, now is the time to savor the flavors of summer still available at area farmers tailgate markets.