Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

As the first days of summer have arrived and the heat wave continues, keep your freezer stocked with fresh fruit popsicles! Whether you’re having trouble getting your kids to eat more fruit, or simply just want a healthy and delicious way to cool down these long and hot summer days, popsicles are the perfect way … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week


Summer has officially arrived, and with it has come plenty of new fruits and berries at Buncombe County farmers markets this week! Be sure to arrive early to get in on some of the goodness.   Creasman Farms brought their first picking of peaches this season to Asheville City Market this past Saturday. For more peaches, … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

ginger gold apples from Creasman Farms

This is the sweetest of times. The great mingling of late summer and early fall fruits is happening now at farmers tailgate markets! While many farms still have peaches, raspberries, blackberries, and even blueberries, we’re also starting to get the first pear and apple varieties. Figs have arrived and watermelons and cantaloupes are more widely available.  

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week


Steamy weather and intermittent thunderstorms can make cooking meals a real drag. Times like these call for a few refrigerator staples that can perk up a simple salad or help power through an afternoon lull. Luckily, fruit and berry season is kicking into gear at farmers tailgate markets. Beyond fresh eating and desserts, these are great for making zippy vinaigrettes and icy drinks.

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week


The first tomatoes have arrived at farmers tailgate markets! If you acted quickly this past week, you may have snagged an early variety from Thatchmore Farm (North Asheville Tailgate Market, West Asheville Tailgate Market), Full Sun Farm (River Arts District Farmers Market, North Asheville Tailgate Market), Olivette Farm, or Headwaters Market Garden (both at Asheville City Market).

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

There’s only one month left of summer and it’s starting to show at area farmers tailgate markets. Limited, late summer raspberries are peeking through the abundance of other more prolific produce, fall/winter varieties are starting to appear, and the air in the earliest hours of morning markets is starting to feel increasingly autumn-esque.

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