An interesting week at area farmers tailgate market as market vendors and shoppers were bundled up for our annual “blackberry winter,” referring to a cold snap that often occurs in late spring when the blackberries are in bloom.
spring onions
Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week
More and more produce is popping up at your local farmers tailgate markets!
Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week
Strawberries are one of the most anticipated of early spring offerings at farmers tailgate markets. And, we’re delighted to report that they are here!
*Recipe Added!* Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week
Strawberries sold in a snap last week, but don’t worry if you didn’t go home with any. Berries are back again at area farmers tailgate markets! What’s more, they’re super sweet now. With the drenching rains mostly behind us, the sun has gone to work bringing out the berries’ sugars. Speaking of sweet, Mackey Farms (Madison County Farmers & Artisans Market, Weaverville Tailgate Market) offered up strawberry ice cream last week, so be on the lookout.
Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week
Get your greens at area farmers tailgate markets now! Tailgates from Asheville City Market (ACM) to Jackson County Farmers Market, Madison County Farmers & Artisans Market to Weaverville Tailgate Market, and French Broad Food Co-op Wednesday Tailgate Market (FBFC) to West Asheville Tailgate Market and North Asheville Tailgate Market have opened outdoors for the season with all kinds of leafy greens. We’re talking arugula, chard, herbs (like cilantro and oregano), kale, lettuces, mustard greens, pak choi, and spinach.
Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week
Seeing strawberries? Your eyes aren’t playing tricks on you! The spring staple crop arrived at area farmers tailgate markets this past weekend, about two weeks ahead of schedule.
Strawberries joined fellow season-favorite asparagus at McConnell Farms’ two booths—at Asheville City Market and North Asheville Tailgate Market—selling out quickly at both. It’s possible they may still have a few bunches of asparagus this week, but strawberries are truly spring’s stars now. Jake’s Farm also brought berries to Asheville City Market, and Ivy Creek Family Farm brought theirs to North Asheville. Expect to find strawberries at markets through mid-May.