The fruit you’ve been dreaming of during every summer cookout is finally at area farmers tailgate markets: watermelon. Multiple melons have made their debut of the season this past week!
Fresh at Farmers Markets
Start your shopping list and get meal inspiration each week with ASAP’s roundup of what’s fresh at farmers markets. Although this report focuses on vendors at Buncombe County markets, many products mentioned can be found at markets throughout the region. Want to get this report in your inbox each week? Subscribe to ASAP’s Weekly Farmers Market Report newsletter. Looking for a yearlong view? Check out ASAP’s produce seasonality chart.
Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week
Summer is the quintessential time for outings of all kinds. Area farmers tailgate markets are great for an in-town, close-to-home excursion: experience new foods, cultivate community, hear live music, and bring home delicious goodies direct from local farmers.
Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week
Fixings for summer salads of all kinds, veggies fit for frying, and so much more can be found at area farmers tailgate markets now. July is high time for everything summer, light, delicious salads and scrumptious fried delights are some highlights this week! Not to mention all the fruits, snacking veggies, root veggies, meats, cheeses, breads, baked goods, and more that are just waiting for you to discover!
Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week
Finally, almost all of the summer’s favorite fruits can be found at area farmers tailgate markets. July is the height, the heart, and the heat of the growing season, bringing with it so much beautiful abundance.
Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week
As we pass the Summer Solstice, markets are entering into their peak season and debuting many summer favorites. Despite persisting dry weather for most farms in the region, area farmers tailgate markets are bursting with vibrant veggies and flavorful fruits!
Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week
Raspberries and peaches have made their debut at the Transylvania Farmers Market. Her Heartbeat Farm brought raspberries and Calee’s Coops has South Carolina grown peaches. Stay tuned — both fruits will arrive imminently at Asheville area farmers tailgate markets.
Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week
This is the time of year, when each and every week at area farmers tailgate markets brings a whole new landscape of fruits and vegetables. So many “firsts” of the season are cropping up, that it can be hard to keep track of it all!
Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week
It’s a great time to shop at farmers tailgate markets! We are seeing the season starting to transition from spring crops to summer. Spring’s finest such as asparagus, strawberries, and scapes are just ending, and early season summer favorites like squash, cucumbers, and tomatoes, are starting to pop up at vendors’ tables. Plus, broccoli, kohlrabi, and much more are hitting their peak.
Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week
Unique to area farmers tailgate markets are the moments that shoppers share with farmers and each other when they express enthusiasm for a new produce item: that excitement of finding your favorite fruit that has finally arrived at market; of finding a new variety of veggie that you hadn’t known existed; of finding a food your family cooked for you as a kid. For some folks, summer squash — particularly zucchini — can elicit such an exchange.
Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week
Kohlrabi is a beautiful, unique, and delicious vegetable, that is arguably vastly undervalued and sometimes misunderstood. It has a funny sounding name, a peculiar shape, and it’s a fairly uncommon vegetable in standard American cookbooks. At area farmers markets, that may be changing.