Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

As summer crops continue to thrive, an array of eggplant is reaching its peak season! While raw, eggplant can be rubbery and somewhat bitter, when cooked, this veggie takes on a creamy texture and easily absorbs or compliments any flavors that it’s paired with! You can find Italian globe, Japanese and fairy tale eggplant varieties … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

sour gherkins and cherry tomatoes 550x250

Hey, parents. How are you doing out there? We know the next few weeks may be tough (as if the past six months hadn’t already been difficult). Whether your family is heading back to in-person school, navigating distance learning, or trying to unravel the particulars of a hybrid system, healthy snack food might not be top of your mind. And that may be the case even if you don’t have kids in the house. But there are some simple things you can grab at farmers tailgate markets right now that might appeal even to picky or stressed-out eaters.

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

corn from McConnell Farms

There are many methods for shopping at farmers tailgate markets. There’s the make-a-list-in-advance tactic (we offer a weekly rundown here for that kind of shopper). There’s the do-a-lap-first-then-form-a-plan strategy. And then there’s the grab-everything-that-looks-good-and-figure-it-out-later approach. It’s after shopping excursions like the latter that we fully appreciate a dish like succotash.

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