Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week


With a heat wave gripping most of the Eastern United States this week, it’s too hot to cook! Luckily, we’re entering the season of chilled soups and gazpacho. These dishes are essentially vegetable smoothies to eat from a bowl—or even drink from a glass if you prefer! They require no heat to prepare, but pack … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

blueberries at River Arts District Farmers Market

Summer has officially arrived, and the new season has brought an abundance of exciting new produce! Blueberries made their return to markets this week. Whether you just enjoy eating them fresh, or putting them to good use in baking, there are plenty of ways you can get creative with the fruit this season! You can … Read more

Chef Melinda Aponte’s Zucchini Lasagna

Melinda Aponte of the YWCA of Asheville and Hannah Jeske of R Farm

Melinda Aponte is the nutrition coordinator for the YWCA of Asheville’s Early Learning Program. She’s worked with several local farms to provide the children with fresh, healthy meals daily. She is pictured on the left with farmer Hannah Jeske of R Farm. I’m sharing this recipe because it’s so homey. There’s something about a casserole—lasagna … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

herbs from Lunar Whale Herbs

It can be hard to see past the rainbow of tomatoes, peaches, corn, summer squash, peppers, eggplants, and other summer favorites weighing down tables at farmers tailgate markets right now. But farmers are also bringing some superstar herbs to markets that pair wonderfully with these vegetables and offer new flavors.

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week


Steamy weather and intermittent thunderstorms can make cooking meals a real drag. Times like these call for a few refrigerator staples that can perk up a simple salad or help power through an afternoon lull. Luckily, fruit and berry season is kicking into gear at farmers tailgate markets. Beyond fresh eating and desserts, these are great for making zippy vinaigrettes and icy drinks.

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

There’s at least one hue of every color represented at area farmers tailgate markets. Farmers’ booths are vibrant and polychromatic. There’s a saying that goes: “Eat your colors.” Variety in the colors of your diet, may or may not live up to this advice, but it sure will make your fridge drawers look beautiful!

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

Fixings for summer salads of all kinds, veggies fit for frying, and so much more can be found at area farmers tailgate markets now. July is high time for everything summer, light, delicious salads and scrumptious fried delights are some highlights this week! Not to mention all the fruits, snacking veggies, root veggies, meats, cheeses, breads, baked goods, and more that are just waiting for you to discover!

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