Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

Every month, ASAP has been featuring one seasonal, local item as part of its “Get Local” campaign. August is tomato month, and, boy, is that true at area farmers tailgate markets. There are so many fantastic and flavorful varieties! There are innumerable ways to eat tomatoes, but here’s a couple of pretty exciting ideas that you may not have considered:

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Fresh at [Winter] Farmers Markets This week

There is so much ingenuity that our local farmers employ in order to consistently have produce throughout the harsh winter conditions over the past few weeks. Be it through alternative growing practices like hydroponics, or attentively caring for greenhouse plants as if they are newborns, farms still have produce to bring to area winter farmers tailgate markets. All those veggies still go quickly, though, so get to market early.

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Fresh at [Winter] Farmers Markets this Week

What are some unique foods that you’ve tried from a vendor at area winter farmers tailgate markets? Perhaps it was a rare heirloom variety of peppers or tomatoes in the summer, a special one-time only cheese, or a fruit seldomly sold at market like Autumnberries. This week, a new vendor has increased the possibilities for the specialty items available at market: cricket bars by The Cricket Girl.

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

Local Basil

Summer is settling in nicely at area farmers tailgate markets! Produce abounds; think cucumbers and corn, garlic and greens, peaches and plums, and the list goes on. Blooms are bursting open. And, market calendars are scheduled with summer soirees.

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