Pumpkins, the winter squash behind the quintessential “fall flavor,” have begun to make their entrance at area farmers tailgate markets. But how much are pumpkins really behind the symbolic autumnal flavor, and what of it’s history?
Fresh at Farmers Markets
Start your shopping list and get meal inspiration each week with ASAP’s roundup of what’s fresh at farmers markets. Although this report focuses on vendors at Buncombe County markets, many products mentioned can be found at markets throughout the region. Want to get this report in your inbox each week? Subscribe to ASAP’s Weekly Farmers Market Report newsletter. Looking for a yearlong view? Check out ASAP’s produce seasonality chart.
Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week
Celery, one of the more limited veggies to be found at area farmers tailgate markets, is here now! Celery is limited in the length of its harvest season as well as how many farms grow and sell it. There are cooking applications that celery is used in that make its appearance at market particularly exciting — one of which as an ingredient in aromatics.
Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week
Many fruits and vegetables are widely celebrated in the fall including apples, pumpkins and other winter squash. At area farmers tailgate markets, there are so many varieties of vegetables worthy of homage, yet unfortunately ignored by the mainstream autumnal attention. Sweet potatoes, arugula, sweet potato greens, and wild mushrooms, are just a few.
Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week
Western North Carolina is in transition during the month of September. It’s not quite fall yet, and summer is still holding on. Area farmers tailgate markets reflect this acutely in their range of produce that still has vestiges of the heat and long days, with tell-tale veggies of crisp days to come.
Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week
Discovering a new, unfamiliar, or unique product at market can make us feel like explorers seeing new lands for the first time on what would otherwise be a regular weekday afternoon or Saturday morning. Area farmers tailgate markets are full of fantastic and often uncharted culinary adventures.
Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week
Despite the whispers and hints of fall in the early mornings and evenings, it’s certainly still summer at area farmers tailgate markets. This means there’s plenty of summer goodies like peppers, melons, figs, grapes, and other warm weather favorites.
Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week
Preserving the harvest can seem daunting and overwhelming to someone preparing to try it for the first time. There are certainly routes for preservation that are intensive and laborious. But some methods take less time, know-how, and have fewer steps. Stock up on fruits and veggies that are great for preserving at area farmers tailgate markets.
Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week
We’re nearly in the home stretch of summer. Just one more month and autumn will be upon us. In the meantime, while many of us bemoan the persistent heat, let’s not overlook the last of the magical abundance of the season, as we also welcome the very first signs of fall.
Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week
The weather this year has not been kind to fruit. Late frosts in spring, hailstorms, and weeks of temporary drought followed by daily thunderstorms have left fruit altered in some cases, and limited their availability in others.
Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week
There’s at least one hue of every color represented at area farmers tailgate markets. Farmers’ booths are vibrant and polychromatic. There’s a saying that goes: “Eat your colors.” Variety in the colors of your diet, may or may not live up to this advice, but it sure will make your fridge drawers look beautiful!