Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week


Maybe you’re still happily eating leftover pumpkin pie for every meal (no judgement). But chances are you need to restock your fridge to make a few lighter, healthier meals this week—say, salad. Fall greens are abundant at farmers markets right now, so there’s no need for these meals to be boring!

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

winter squash and potatoes

Thanksgiving dinner is often a meal centered around abundance—many dishes, crowded tables, perhaps some long-distance travel, and (hopefully) plenty to be grateful for. This year, of course, will be different for lots of folks. Maybe a turkey and all the fixins is overkill for your small family. Maybe you’re only cooking for yourself while Zooming … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

red and gold beets

If you’ve been hunkered down all week wondering if or when our country would erupt into violence, heading out to a farmers tailgate market might be the healthiest thing you can do for yourself. First of all, markets are outdoor environments and all that fresh air and sunlight can help clear your head. Second, even … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

persimmons from Lees One Fortune Farm 550x250

Halloween festivities are a bit different this year, given that most events that draw crowds have been canceled or reimagined. But there are a few chances to show off your costume at Buncombe County farmers tailgate markets today and tomorrow. You can also pick up ingredients for sweet and salty treats and fun kitchen activities … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

popcorn from Full Sun Farm

November and Daylight Savings Time are around the corner. This week marks the final days for a couple of farmers tailgate markets in Buncombe County, with a change in hours coming at others. After today’s market, you’ll have one more chance to visit East Asheville Tailgate Market on Oct. 30. Enka-Candler Tailgate Market’s last day … Read more

Farmers Market Fun Goes Virtual

During a typical year, farmers markets offer a dizzying array of activities. From cooking demos and tomato tastings, to jam festivals and morning yoga, farmers markets are a place to have fun while celebrating local food and healthy living. Most of these in-person activities are on hold because of the pandemic, but farmers market managers … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

young ginger

The onset of fall brings young ginger to area farmers tailgate markets. Though native to more tropical climates, ginger actually grows quite well in Appalachia and has become increasingly popular among Western North Carolina farmers over the past decade. You can get it now from Highgate Farm at Black Mountain Tailgate Market, West Asheville Tailgate … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

muscadine grapes

“And all at once, summer collapsed into fall,” wrote Oscar Wilde, and that feels especially true this year. This past week’s cooler temperatures have brought the threat of frost to some of the higher-elevation farms in our region. While farmers tailgate markets have been seeing the transition to autumn for the past several weeks, suddenly … Read more

Faces of Local: Jake Beaver

Jake Beaver

ASAP likes to share the stories of people who are contributing to the local food system. As part of our Restaurant Worker Appreciation Month at Buncombe County farmers markets, we’re talking to Jake Beaver, who has worked as a line cook at several Asheville restaurants, including Nightbell and Cultura. He’ll be working for Table Right Here when … Read more

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