Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

This week we are talking about heart-helping purple foods! Besides being absolutely gorgeous and delicious, purple foods contain an antioxidant—anthocyanins—which help to protect and repair cellular damage, protect the crop from sun damage and cold temperatures, and support our cardiovascular and overall health. While you can usually find purple produce at markets all-year-round, find a … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

Have these weird times without clean running water gotten your tummy upset? Or, do the upcoming stressors of the holidays have your stomach in a bunch? Prepare yourself for the holiday meals season with light and easy-to-eat foods you can have at the ready in case you (or your kids) find yourself feeling under the … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

As the days become chillier, warming up with a comforting soup becomes commonplace. Soups have stood the test of time and are found in virtually every culture. A big pot of soup can feed us for days or be easily shared with friends and neighbors, building connection and care for ourselves and each other. It … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

As we get closer to fall with only a few weeks of summer left, winter squash are already hitting Buncombe County tailgate farmers markets. Find an array of varieties including butternut, delicata, kabocha, acorn, spaghetti, and honeynut squash. If the slightly cooler temps this week have you itching for some fall flavors, pick up some … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

garlic scapes, photo by Meghan Bosley

Memorial Day marks the unofficial kickoff to summer (even if by the calendar we’re still four weeks out), and for many of us the urge to breakout the grill is strong. That doesn’t have to mean meat, though! Farmers markets have plenty of grill-ready veggies for you. Most spring veggies, rubbed with a little olive … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

Camilla Calnan Photography_0015_North Asheville Tailgate Market_asparagus

Asparagus has arrived at farmers markets for spring! Asparagus packs a lot of nutrition, including Vitamin A, potassium, iron, calcium, and antioxidants. This culinary staple can be cooked in many ways, including a delicious pasta primavera. Did you know that primavera means spring in Italian? What better way to kick off the season than a … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week


As spring creeps in, farmers markets will start to have new vegetables that invite shoppers to try something new. Spring alliums—including scallions, spring onions, and green garlic—are among the first to mark the new season! These versatile vegetables lend a fresh, peppery flavor and can spice up almost any dish. Stir fry is a classic … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

bone broth

With more limited produce at markets, this time of year is a great opportunity to explore the wonderful meat vendors at market! Whether you’re looking for a local product to feature in your Super Bowl shareables, searching for more immunity boosting recipes to stave off a cold this winter, or just trying to support farmers … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

Chicken from Wild East Farm at Asheville City Market

Locally raised turkeys are in high demand leading up to Thanksgiving! If you weren’t able to place an order in time for your bird this year, but are still looking for a local holiday centerpiece, not to worry! Farmers markets have plenty of options for a turkey alternative, including chicken, lamb, beef, and pork. Or … Read more

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