Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

As the first days of summer have arrived and the heat wave continues, keep your freezer stocked with fresh fruit popsicles! Whether you’re having trouble getting your kids to eat more fruit, or simply just want a healthy and delicious way to cool down these long and hot summer days, popsicles are the perfect way … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

February is often the height of cold and flu season. While the common cold is not usually cause for medical treatment, it can certainly knock you out for a few days (or longer), and that first throat scratch or sneeze might have you reaching for your standby home remedies—if not for a cure, at least for some comfort. Winter farmers markets can be a good place to stock up on your arsenal of cold-fighting and feel-good foods, from chicken broth to elderberry syrup.

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

rainbow chard

Are there colors you associate with different seasons at farmers tailgate markets? The vivid reds, yellows, and purples of summer tomatoes, crookneck squash, and eggplant? The deep golds and dark greens of fall pumpkins and kale? Shades of spring—pink, yellow-orange, and emerald green—are starting perk up market tents.

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