Jacqueline Smith

Black Mountain Tailgate Market stickers

Jacqueline Smith is the market manager for Black Mountain Tailgate Market. The market participates in ASAP’s Double SNAP for Fruits and Vegetables and Farm Fresh Produce Prescription programs.   What are you most looking forward to this season at Black Mountain Tailgate Market? Vendors and regular customers, of course… and most definitely, the Children’s Programs. They … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

garlic scapes, photo by Meghan Bosley

Memorial Day marks the unofficial kickoff to summer (even if by the calendar we’re still four weeks out), and for many of us the urge to breakout the grill is strong. That doesn’t have to mean meat, though! Farmers markets have plenty of grill-ready veggies for you. Most spring veggies, rubbed with a little olive … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

snap peas

We’re coming into the height of spring produce—and even getting the first glimpse of summer—at farmers markets now. Cucumbers, sugar snap peas, and spring onions are all available now. Plus, farms continue to offer the best of spring strawberries, spinach, chard, tender lettuces, arugula, radishes, beets, salad turnips, mushrooms and more.  Look for sugar snap … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

Mother figures come in so many forms. No matter who you’d like to honor this week (on Mother’s Day or any other day), farmers markets give you plenty of options for gifts, flowers, and special treats. Start the celebration with a simple breakfast in bed (or on a sunny porch, if that’s more her style). … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

strawberries from Ivy Creek Family Farm

Strawberries are arguably one of the most exciting parts of spring, and they’ve finally arrived at farmers markets! Their natural, refreshing sweetness is synonymous with the season. While you probably don’t need much to enjoy strawberries, try getting creative with a few new recipes this week. Right now, you can find strawberries from farms like … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

wasabi greens from Sustainabillies

With the arrival of the new season we welcome the return of farmers markets and the dozens of vendors that come with them! Mustard greens and arugula are some of the first signs that spring produce is on its way back in, and you can find plenty at markets this week. Look for arugula and … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week


As spring creeps in, farmers markets will start to have new vegetables that invite shoppers to try something new. Spring alliums—including scallions, spring onions, and green garlic—are among the first to mark the new season! These versatile vegetables lend a fresh, peppery flavor and can spice up almost any dish. Stir fry is a classic … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week


Winter produce is still abundant at farmers markets. While we wait for spring fruits and veggies, there’s still time to explore new recipes with winter’s bounty! Try making this delicious “green” shakshuka recipe with winter greens and veggies like chard, broccoli, and kale. Or use some of this season’s winter squash for a nourishing curry … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

Cabbage with frost

NOTE: Asheville City Market and North Asheville Tailgate Market are canceled for Saturday, Jan. 20, due to unsafe temperatures. Both markets will return Jan. 27. Despite the below freezing temperatures, midweek farmers markets will still be open with plenty of delicious fresh produce and artisan products! Visit River Arts District Farmers Market or Weaverville Tailgate … Read more

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