Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

There’s at least one hue of every color represented at area farmers tailgate markets. Farmers’ booths are vibrant and polychromatic. There’s a saying that goes: “Eat your colors.” Variety in the colors of your diet, may or may not live up to this advice, but it sure will make your fridge drawers look beautiful!

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

Fixings for summer salads of all kinds, veggies fit for frying, and so much more can be found at area farmers tailgate markets now. July is high time for everything summer, light, delicious salads and scrumptious fried delights are some highlights this week! Not to mention all the fruits, snacking veggies, root veggies, meats, cheeses, breads, baked goods, and more that are just waiting for you to discover!

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

Going to area farmers tailgate markets is more than just “going shopping.” The market can be an event — wonderful music, catching up with old friends, and connecting with folks that grow our food — a festive way to celebrate life, food, and our vibrant communities.

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

Summer Squash

Summer is officially here! Although the season’s full bounty has yet to arrive to area tailgates, produce ambassadors have been dispatched from the fields to tantalize taste buds and tell of what’s to come.

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