Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

snap peas

We’re coming into the height of spring produce—and even getting the first glimpse of summer—at farmers markets now. Cucumbers, sugar snap peas, and spring onions are all available now. Plus, farms continue to offer the best of spring strawberries, spinach, chard, tender lettuces, arugula, radishes, beets, salad turnips, mushrooms and more.  Look for sugar snap … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

Camilla Calnan Photography_0015_North Asheville Tailgate Market_asparagus

Asparagus has arrived at farmers markets for spring! Asparagus packs a lot of nutrition, including Vitamin A, potassium, iron, calcium, and antioxidants. This culinary staple can be cooked in many ways, including a delicious pasta primavera. Did you know that primavera means spring in Italian? What better way to kick off the season than a … Read more

Spring Veggie Pasta

sugar snap peas

Peas and mushrooms are a great plant-based source of protein and fiber, which can keep us feeling full for longer. Spring starts to bring more variety to farmers markets. Be on the lookout for spring alliums, like spring onions and green garlic, which you can add to this versatile pasta. Servings: 4–6Time: 20 minutes Ingredients … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

sugar snap peas

Sugar snap peas, a spring favorite of many, have returned to markets! Loved for their crunchy texture and sweet flavor, this legume can be incorporated into any recipe or meal this week. Our favorite way to enjoy snap peas is in this simple and refreshing salad with goat cheese. Trim and remove the strings of … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

After the taste of spring temperatures this past week, you might feel a little disheartened by the cold snap on its way. But you can embrace the last week of winter by leaning into some warm, hearty meals made with ingredients from winter farmers markets. Markets are a bit smaller right now, with winter storage crops thinning and full spring production not yet underway. But you can still find what you need for a delicious shepherd’s pie—a quintessential dish for eating by a cozy fire.

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

eating snap peas at the farmers market

Though we’re certainly getting cold temperatures now, a warmer than usual December accounts for lots of produce variety at winter farmers markets now. In addition to storage veggies like squash and sweet potatoes, hardy greens like kale and mustard, and winter stalwarts like radishes and salad turnips, we’ve also spotted early snow peas and broccoli.

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

purple cauliflower

This past December didn’t bring the same significant snowfall and freezing temperatures we’ve seen in recent years, and as a result we’re seeing some unexpected produce at winter farmers tailgate markets alongside winter stalwarts like sweet potatoes, apples, and collard greens.

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

crowd at Asheville City Market-Winter

It pays to be an early bird at Asheville City Market-Winter, which often sees a line forming outside the doors of the Asheville Masonic Temple on Saturdays before the 9am opening. Some specialty or sought-after products are in short supply, and often sell out before market’s end.

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