Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

Every month, ASAP has been featuring one seasonal, local item as part of its “Get Local” campaign. August is tomato month, and, boy, is that true at area farmers tailgate markets. There are so many fantastic and flavorful varieties! There are innumerable ways to eat tomatoes, but here’s a couple of pretty exciting ideas that you may not have considered:

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This week

“Eat your colors.” You’ve probably heard this before — an expression touted by grandmothers, dietitians, and food magazines, alike. In the summer months, what foods are available in each color group varies throughout the growing season. What veggies of the rainbow can be found at area farmers tailgate markets right now?

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

Despite the recent snow, area farmers tailgate markets are as full as ever with delicious and colorful fare. The fall produce is abundant including squash, roots, and greens. Some summer veggies are also still around, such as tomatoes and peppers, not to mention all of the breads, cheeses and other amazing goods available at markets every week.

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

What’s fresh at area farmers tailgate markets this week? A better question would be, what isn’t! As we come to the peak of the summer growing season, the age old question of “what to eat for dinner” is harder than ever to decide. There’s so much more than can be mentioned here, so be sure to check out a market near you to discover the full range of exciting seasonal fare!

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Fresh at Winters Farmers Markets This Week

A warm weather spell is coming to the mountains, and while spring is not yet here, there are still plenty of farm-fresh products for sale at winter tailgate farmers markets. What can you find? How about turnips, cabbage, apples, sweet potatoes, eggs, red beets, goat cheese, baked goods, local meat, and more!

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

Sweet and Hot Peppers

With recent unseasonable temperatures reminding us that fall is officially only one month away, now is the time to savor the flavors of summer still available at area farmers tailgate markets.

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week


Craving cantaloupe? You’re in luck! The fragrant summer melon has been spotted at farmers markets around the region recently.

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