Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

It’s officially pear season in North Carolina! Asian pears are coming in at farmers markets, so be sure to grab some while they’re here. Their sweet, refreshing flavor and crisp texture make for the perfect late-summer snack. Unlike other common pears like barletts, Asian pears should be firm to the touch and crunchy like a … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

As the start of the school year approaches and it begins to feel more and more like late summer, preserving the flavors of peak summer is prime for the picking — or the pickling! There are many ways to preserve the bounty of produce from Buncombe County farmers tailgate markets including pickling, fermenting, freezing, canning, … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

With abundant tables of produce at tailgate markets, pair those summer meals with fresh herbs and take a dish to the next level. Not only do herbs bring bursts of flavor, but depth and aroma to brighten your senses. Of course, dry herbs can work too if you’re in a pinch, but with a plethora … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

As we turn the seasonal page into August, peppers of nearly endless varieties are taking their stride for the next couple of months. Head to one of the many farmers markets in Buncombe County and find all your favorites like sweet bell peppers, jalapenos, wax peppers and even types of peppers you may have never … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

Sweet corn arrived at Buncombe County farmers markets especially early this year, thanks to early planting gambles that paid off for many farms. You can get solid yellow or bicolor ears from multiple farms at Asheville City, North Asheville, Black Mountain, West Asheville, River Arts District, Weaverville, and East Asheville Markets. Worried about finding an … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

A colorful mix of new potatoes are overflowing at Buncombe County farmers markets. Harvested earlier in the season before they develop their thick and protective exterior, new potatoes are extra sweet and creamy, cook faster, and have thin and tender skins making them the perfect star for many summer dishes—including a breakfast hash, herby mashed … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

Tomatoes are beginning their first appearances at Buncombe County farmers markets. Tomatoes come in almost endless varieties and are champions of versatility! With so many options to choose from and plenty of ways to utilize them in your cooking, tomatoes will be on your shopping list at farmers markets for the rest of summer through … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

As the first days of summer have arrived and the heat wave continues, keep your freezer stocked with fresh fruit popsicles! Whether you’re having trouble getting your kids to eat more fruit, or simply just want a healthy and delicious way to cool down these long and hot summer days, popsicles are the perfect way … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

rainbow chard

Are there colors you associate with different seasons at farmers tailgate markets? The vivid reds, yellows, and purples of summer tomatoes, crookneck squash, and eggplant? The deep golds and dark greens of fall pumpkins and kale? Shades of spring—pink, yellow-orange, and emerald green—are starting perk up market tents.

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

plant starts at spring markets

Midweek markets return this week as Asheville City Market-South and Weaverville Tailgate Market open for the season on Wednesday, April 4. Both have new locations: Weaverville Tailgate Market is now at Reems Creek Nursery (76 Monticello Rd., Weaverville) from 2:30-6 p.m. Asheville City Market-South, from 12 to 4 p.m., stays within Biltmore Park Town Square, but shifts up the promenade to the grassy area in front of the Reuter Family Branch YMCA, between REI and Mosaic Cafe.

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