Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

herbs from Lunar Whale Herbs

It can be hard to see past the rainbow of tomatoes, peaches, corn, summer squash, peppers, eggplants, and other summer favorites weighing down tables at farmers tailgate markets right now. But farmers are also bringing some superstar herbs to markets that pair wonderfully with these vegetables and offer new flavors.

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

Sure, the image is a little trite: Dad in his battleworn apron, presiding over the Weber. But since Sunday is both Father’s Day and the first day of summer, we’re going to lean into the stereotype and devote this column to grilling. Grillable veggies like summer squash, spring onions, and mushrooms are plentiful at farmers … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

Is baking, grilling, and relaxing all on your agenda for the upcoming Memorial Day weekend? Get yourself some rhubarb, which has a short window of availability at farmers tailgate markets. Beyond the name of one of Asheville’s locally sourcing restaurants, rhubarb is a prized ingredient in many springtime desserts, beverages, and toppings. We’ve seen it … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

snap peas

We’re coming into the height of spring produce—and even getting the first glimpse of summer—at farmers tailgate markets now. Cucumbers, sugar snap peas, spring onions, and bamboo shoots have arrived, along with other spring treats like asparagus and strawberries. And farms continue to offer the best of spring spinach, chard, tender lettuces, arugula, radishes, beets, … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

As a new flock of hens starts to lay, their first eggs are smaller, with firmer whites and more deeply colored yolks, than regular eggs. Not to be dismissed, these pullet eggs boast a richer flavor and creamier texture. For the next few weeks, these will be the only eggs available from Dry Ridge Farm … Read more

Well Seasoned Table Embraces the Business of Farming

When Sarah Wickers started Well Seasoned Table in 2014, she did it all. She grew produce, foraged wild greens, blended spices, and marketed her seasonings everywhere from farmers markets to retail locations. She even designed the website and packaging herself. She saw herself as the maestro of Well Seasoned Table because she had her hands … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

If ever there was a year to channel all of your romantic energy into cooking a fancy meal at home, this is it. Get what you need on Saturday at ASAP Farmers Market or, if you want to celebrate on a different day or make a series of Valentine’s week meals, shop at River Arts … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

Radishes are widely available at winter farmers markets, but can often be overlooked as a raw salad component, taco condiment, or pop of color on a crudité spread. Those uses are all great, of course, but these cruciferous veggies are also fantastic cooked. Here are some ideas to take advantage of a variety of radishes … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

bread from hominy farm, photo by Camilla Calnan Photography

Many of us are trying to limit our trips to the grocery store these days as we continue or ramp up COVID-19 precautions. Winter farmers markets are a great opportunity to shop for fresh food in an open-air environment. But picking up long-lasting staples each time you visit can also help you stretch your meal … Read more

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