Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

apple heart valentine

If you’re the type to serve your sweetheart a locally sourced Valentine’s Day meal, take note that you’ll need to stop at a farmers tailgate market tomorrow or Wednesday to collect ingredients in time for Feb. 14. Pretty much any meal you shop for and prepare yourself hits the mark for a romantic gesture, but we’ve included a few suggestions to really get into the spirit.

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

persimmons from Lee's One Fortune Farm

Are you a handmade gift-giver? Farmers tailgate markets are a great place to get inspiration and ingredients for these extra-special holiday gifts (or treats to keep for yourself—you definitely deserve it). Here are a few DIY ideas to get your started this season.

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

An all-local Thanksgiving dinner is a lofty goal, but probably impractical (and could add some additional stress to the holiday for sure). Some traditional ingredients, like green beans or corn, have passed their peak harvest season here in Western North Carolina, so if you didn’t freeze some back in September, you might be out of luck now. And you’ll be hard-pressed to find local cranberries or pecans. But there are ways to feature something local in each dish, if you’re up for the challenge!

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

apple taste test

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the multitude of apple varieties on offer at farmers tailgate markets each autumn. Some are better for baking, some for snacking. Maybe you prefer a sweeter apple or something more tart. Maybe you know you’ve tasted the perfect apple before, but you can’t remember what it was called. How do you choose? Well, apart from asking the farmer’s advice (which is always a good first step), you might consider throwing together an apple taste test. 

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week


Your favorite peak summer produce—tomatoes, corn, peppers, melons, peaches, blackberries, beans, okra, eggplant—is still filling the tables at farmers tailgate markets. We have a month or two more to enjoy these items. But there are hints of seasonal change in the air.

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