Plant-Based Tacos

purple cabbage

As part of ASAP’s Farm Fresh for Health initiative, we partnered with community health professionals to bring you virtual demos to inspire cooking for yourself and your family. Dr. Brian Asbill of Ruckus Health demos a family favorite recipe. Ingredients Taco filling: Cashew cream: Directions

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week


Did you dry peppers earlier in the season? Or are you still finding fresh ones at farmers tailgate markets? Many farms will continue have them, probably until the first frost. Try making red or green pozole. This simple-but-satisfying Mexican soup showcases local peppers, as well as peak fall produce and local meats. 

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

Early summer brassicas are coming in at farmers tailgate markets across Buncombe County, including cabbage, broccoli, and kohlrabi. Cabbage and kohlrabi will be available throughout the summer and early fall, but broccoli will disappear during the hotter months, so make sure you get some now!

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

Greens and cabbages are abundant at farmers markets right now, and winter can be a great time to try new ways of serving them. Stuffing with a mixture of rice, herbs, spices, and ground meat places these vegetables front and center as a hearty main course. 

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

Labor Day bookends the summer season (though technically we have three more weeks), and is often a last hurrah for a weekend of outdoor food and fun. If you’re firing up your grill, the farmers tailgate markets are packed with great options, including ground beef for burgers, steaks, pork chops, whole chickens, summer squash, eggplant, corn on the cob, and much more. But don’t stop there! Here are a few less-traditional items you might want to throw on the grill this season.

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

Fixings for summer salads of all kinds, veggies fit for frying, and so much more can be found at area farmers tailgate markets now. July is high time for everything summer, light, delicious salads and scrumptious fried delights are some highlights this week! Not to mention all the fruits, snacking veggies, root veggies, meats, cheeses, breads, baked goods, and more that are just waiting for you to discover!

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

In the cold winter weather, it’s so wonderful to shop for local produce in a cozy environment. But it’s not too cozy, it’s still exciting — from week to week, there are differences in markets that keep them new and fresh. Some vendors come, some go, some visit every other week, and which products they have for purchase and sample ebb and flow. Don’t take my word for it — visit a market this Saturday (and then again, next Saturday), and see for yourself.

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

Things are cooling down at area farmers tailgate markets. Most area farms experienced frost conditions this past week. Frost can mean trouble for some crops, but for others it is a welcome occurrence — it can sweeten some vegetable varieties, and who doesn’t like their daily dose of vegetables to be sweeter?

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

With all the dry weather throughout the summer, farmers were hoping for rain, but as the adage goes, “be careful what you wish for.” Farmers have not been affected uniformly by the heavy rains that hit the region last week; each farm has different soil type, elevation/gradient of their fields, microclimate (which affected how much rain they got), and growing practices (raised beds, tunnels, etc). The variation in produce affected by the rain at area farmers tailgate markets this week will vary from farm to farm.

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