Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

As a new flock of hens starts to lay, their first eggs are smaller, with firmer whites and more deeply colored yolks, than regular eggs. Not to be dismissed, these pullet eggs boast a richer flavor and creamier texture. For the next few weeks, these will be the only eggs available from Dry Ridge Farm at the ASAP Farmers Market. It’s a great chance to try something truly unique to farmers markets, as grocery stores stick to uniform, regulation sizes.

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

If ever there was a year to channel all of your romantic energy into cooking a fancy meal at home, this is it. Get what you need on Saturday at ASAP Farmers Market or, if you want to celebrate on a different day or make a series of Valentine’s week meals, shop at River Arts District Farmers Market on Wednesday. Of course, the ideal menu is totally subjective, so adapt as you want, but here’s our take on a classic Valentine’s Day market dinner. 

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

collards and kale

With regular snow dustings, we’re settling into soup season—a great time for farmers tailgate market meals. With just a few local ingredients, you can create something warm and nourishing to carry you through chilly afternoons. Add some crusty bread and a salad green mix to make a full family-sized meal.

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week


This week is your last opportunity to shop at farmers tailgate markets in 2020. You have plenty of chances. On Saturday, visit ASAP Farmers Market (9 a.m. to noon) or North Asheville Tailgate Market’s Holiday Bazaar (10 a.m. to 1 p.m.). On Tuesday, West Asheville Tailgate Market runs 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. And on Wednesday, you can shop at Weaverville Tailgate Market (2 to 5 p.m.). North, West, and Weaverville will then close for the season. ASAP Farmers Market will resume at A-B Tech on Jan. 9 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., and River Arts District Farmers Market will return to Pleb Urban Winery Jan. 6. 

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week


We’re in the midst of Hanukkah now, and whether or not you celebrate the Festival of Lights, you might draw inspiration from some of its traditional dishes as you do your farmers tailgate market shopping this week. 

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week


Maybe you’re still happily eating leftover pumpkin pie for every meal (no judgement). But chances are you need to restock your fridge to make a few lighter, healthier meals this week—say, salad. Fall greens are abundant at farmers markets right now, so there’s no need for these meals to be boring!

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week


Did you dry peppers earlier in the season? Or are you still finding fresh ones at farmers tailgate markets? Many farms will continue have them, probably until the first frost. Try making red or green pozole. This simple-but-satisfying Mexican soup showcases local peppers, as well as peak fall produce and local meats. 

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

bamboo shoot from Lee's One Fortune Farm

Local bamboo shoots might not be an item you would expect to find on farmers market tables, but they’re available now, either fresh or pickled, from Lee’s One Fortune Farm, at ASAP Farmers Market (both Thursday and Saturday), Black Mountain Tailgate Market, West Asheville Tailgate Market, and River Arts District Farmers Market.

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

With Memorial Day weekend and a possible break in the rain, your grill may be calling to you. As Phase 2 of the state’s reopening approaches, it might even feel safe enough to grill up a few burgers and brats for someone other than yourself and immediate family members, especially if you’re dining outside. No matter how you decide to enjoy the holiday, farmers tailgate markets have what you need. (Remember that even as the city and state progress through planned phases of reopening, it’s important to continue precautions like wearing a mask and maintaining a six-foot distance from others when you shop at markets.)

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

Shoulder season is setting in—no longer winter, not quite spring. While winter farmers markets continue to offer an impressive variety of produce, you may notice certain varieties begin to wane and some farmers may not be at market for a few weeks until new crops start coming in. This can be a good time to talk to farmers about what they expect to have over the coming weeks or what they’re most excited about bringing in this spring.

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