Massaged Kale Salad with Vegan Creamy Brie Dressing


As part of ASAP’s Farm Fresh for Health initiative, we partnered with community health professionals to bring you virtual demos to inspire cooking for yourself and your family. Shop for ingredients at a farmers market near you! This super creamy (but totally vegan) kale salad comes from Lauren Furgiuele, RDN, LDN of Planting Roots Nutrition. Ingredients Dressing Salad Optional Add-ins … Read more

Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week


Maybe you’re still happily eating leftover pumpkin pie for every meal (no judgement). But chances are you need to restock your fridge to make a few lighter, healthier meals this week—say, salad. Fall greens are abundant at farmers markets right now, so there’s no need for these meals to be boring!

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

muscadine grapes

“And all at once, summer collapsed into fall,” wrote Oscar Wilde, and that feels especially true this year. This past week’s cooler temperatures have brought the threat of frost to some of the higher-elevation farms in our region. While farmers tailgate markets have been seeing the transition to autumn for the past several weeks, suddenly cooler-weather crops are taking center stage. Tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant are all still available, but in shorter supply. Here are a few things to start looking for instead.

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

We’re finally in for some colder nights this coming week, so it’s a good time to stock up on stew ingredients to fortify you against the chill. Whether your preferred simmering method involves an Instant Pot, slow cooker, or good, old-fashioned Dutch oven, your first step is to gather everything you can at a winter farmers tailgate market. We’ve got a few ideas to get you started.

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

Quiche from Ma Bell France

With the bouts of sunshine and rain we’ve seen through the past week, farmers tailgate markets should be popping with produce and blooms this week. Mother’s Day is Sunday, so make that part of your Friday afternoon or Saturday morning shopping plan. Even if you’re a mid-week market-goer, our guess is that Mom would be happy to be showered in local food love any day of the week.

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

Things are cooling down at area farmers tailgate markets. Most area farms experienced frost conditions this past week. Frost can mean trouble for some crops, but for others it is a welcome occurrence — it can sweeten some vegetable varieties, and who doesn’t like their daily dose of vegetables to be sweeter?

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This week

Flowers are blooming and leaves are budding at the first outdoor farmers tailgate markets of the season! This past week, Asheville City Market opened among stunning trees in full bloom, with music playing, kids frolicking, sunny skies, and many conversations full of smiles and laughter — it was a picture-perfect first market day!

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Fresh at [Winter] Farmers Markets This week

There is so much ingenuity that our local farmers employ in order to consistently have produce throughout the harsh winter conditions over the past few weeks. Be it through alternative growing practices like hydroponics, or attentively caring for greenhouse plants as if they are newborns, farms still have produce to bring to area winter farmers tailgate markets. All those veggies still go quickly, though, so get to market early.

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Fresh at Farmers Markets This Week

What’s fresh at area farmers tailgate markets this week? A better question would be, what isn’t! As we come to the peak of the summer growing season, the age old question of “what to eat for dinner” is harder than ever to decide. There’s so much more than can be mentioned here, so be sure to check out a market near you to discover the full range of exciting seasonal fare!

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